Friday, June 8, 2018


With the ever growing societal needs of the human race, there is always the need to implement new innovations to help make the world a better place. Some important problems to be considered are the rising sea levels we are experiencing, the failing governance system along with its accompanying problems and so much more. It is to this effect that a company, the Blue Frontiers was established to come up with awesome remedy to this problem. It therefore established the Seastead initiative. 

The Blue Frontiers initiative will be executed using the Varyon Token. This token shall provide a lot of services after completing the Seastead Initiative. Varyon will be the token powering the new innovation which is to be brought into existence by the Blue Frontiers team.
 It shall have a lot of benefits for anyone who holds a substantial amount. Holders of Varyon will get the chance to exchange goods and services in the blue Frontiers Ecosystem, other ecosystems and between themselves.
 Some of the services include the purchase or rental of dwellings on Seasteads, for purchasing Seasteads, for timeshares on Seasteads, for business registrations located on the Seasteads- these include utility services, transportation, shipping, service industry activities and so much more. 

Blue Frontiers has launched a Tokensale event to make this a reality. Visit and find out more about how to purchase some Varyon Tokens so as to enjoy the upcoming future benefit

Since the Varyon ICO is launched by the already established company Blue Frontiers, the team appears pretty strong, particularly when it comes to the concept of seasteading, special economic zones, legal, and administration.

The company was originally spun off of the non-profit The Seasteading Institute, and therefore shares many of the same employees. The key members of the management team consist of:

Randy Hencken, Director at The Seasteading Institute, leader of The Floating City Project, and early cryptocurrency adopter.

Joe Quirk, President of The Seasteading Institute and co-author of the book Seasteading: How Floating Nations Will Restore the Environment, Enrich the Poor, Cure the Sick, and Liberate Humanity from Politicians.

Marc Collins, serial entrepreneur and former Minister of Tourism of French Polynesia.

Nicolas Germineau, entrepreneur, software developer, and Ambassador of The Seasteading Institute since 2011.

Egor Ryjikov, Belarusian inventor, investor, and entrepreneur. Ambassador of The Seasteading Institute since 2009.

More information:

Author: ludin gendeng

mytherwallet: 0x6EA4aFA15169B68c2dd619AAf0a9da84b37e52B0

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