Monday, June 11, 2018

ZODIAQ Ecosystem Token

Implementation of the project’s business model involves the creation of two different types of tokens:

The basic token issued during the ICO to raise funds for the further development and scaling of the ZODIAQ ecosystem is the external ZOD token, which represents a smart contract based on the Ethereum protocol, the ERC20 standard.
Such a token grants its holder the right to obtain dividend payments in the amount of 25% of the commission income of the ZODIAQ ecosystem that are distributed among holders of the ZOD tokens in proportion to the size of their shares. Payments are accrued in the form of the internal currency OZOD, by crediting to a personal account opened in the ZODIAQ system.

The legal status of ZOD tokens.
The ZOD tokens are legally qualified as securities — they give their owners the right to receive certain benefits, as well as the right to participate in a collective vote.
After conducting ICO and collecting the minimum amount of money required, the ZODIAQ project plans to begin the procedure for passing the SEC in USA. Until then, we will have to refuse to accept funds from citizens of the United States, Switzerland and Singapore.

Stage 1. Current state of the system

Ecosystem of a classic bank is the first stage of implementation of our project. In this version, all operational accounting will be implemented in a typical centralized banking information system (BIS). At the moment, the personal account of any bank user enables logging and performing the following typical actions:

-creating accounts in fiat-currencies: USD and EUR
-creating wallets: BTC and ETH
-transfers in fiat-currency between users (P2P)
-transfer in crypto-currencies between users (P2P)
-crypto-fiat exchange p2p between users
-purchase and sale of crypto-currency for the user
-crediting and debiting fiat-currencies
-crediting and debiting crypto

At the moment, the personal account of the bank user has already implemented the opportunity to register and perform the following typical actions:

-Creation of accounts in USD and EUR
-Creating wallets: BTC and ETH
-Transfer in the currency between users (P2P)
-Transfer in crypto-currencies between users (P2P) • Crypto-fiat P2P exchange between users.
-Purchase and sale of crypto currency.
-Deposit and withdrarwal of fiat currency.
-Deposit and withdrarwal of crypto currency

Stage 2. Platform with API-connections

At the next stage of the project, ZODIAQ, following the provisions of the second payment directive of EU (PSD2), will unite representatives of the banking segment.
Two key tools of the new platform: Payment Initiation Services Provider (PISP) and Account Information Service Providers (AISP), will be developed and introduced. Functions of API services are as follows:
-drawing, certification and transfer of orders for transfer of funds;
-data analysis and providing information on the client’s personal finances, recommendations for more effective management of savings, etc.;
-providing information to third parties (for example, in order to assess the borrower’s solvency).

Using services of its own banking service, which will be actively developed at this stage, ZODIAQ will be one of the world’s first to perform operational testing of PSD2 formalized provisions and introduce new protocols.

Stage 3. Payment blockchain platform

The world’s banking system and, in particular, ZODIAQ team are seeking this option. At this stage of implementation, the core of the bank becomes digital and goes online.
The bank becomes decentralized. As a result, any payment agents begin to communicate with each other.
Blockchain-platforms, banks and payment services could be examples of such agents.
At this stage, everything around the decentralized blockchain-platform is transformed into API channel.
The core of the bank acquires tools for integration with any kinds of payment agents.
In addition, both individuals and legal entities could be the clients of the platform.
In the course of this implementation, the payment block-platform could replace SWIFT completely.
However, it is clear that SWIFT will remain the biggest player in the financial market for a long time, so we can use it for integration as well.

For more information, please visit the link below:

Author: ludin gendeng

mytherwallet: 0x6EA4aFA15169B68c2dd619AAf0a9da84b37e52B0

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Related : ZODIAQ Ecosystem Token


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